A-Blast Ribbon Cutting
A Message From Our President
Spring has almost sprung! Knocking on wood, but COVID appears to be slowly drifting away in the rearview mirror and things are getting back to “normal”. We’re seeing a lot of activity and events coming up throughout 2022.
One of those events we’ve missed is the East Bethel Booster Day! It’s back on Saturday, July 16th with the full lineup of a parade, music, fireworks, and more. Click the link or visit the city website to learn more about how to be a part of the fun.
At our last meeting, City Administrator Jack Davis requested businesses to participate in the Broadband Study. Please take the survey at: https://www.ci.east- bethel.mn.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=471.
Please join us on Thursday, March 10th for a “Lunch & Learn” meeting from noon-1pm at the East Bethel Senior Center. Stev Stegner, business consultant and coach will be our keynote speaker.
Brad Slawson Jr
East Bethel Chamber
Lunch & Learn
Featuring: Stev Stegner – business consultant/coach
“How to Effectively Use Chambers & Networking to Maximize Your Membership”
Thursday March 10
From noon-1pm
East Bethel Senior Center
2241 221st Ave. NE
East Bethel, MN 55011
We are seeking businesses to host monthly meetings. If you’re interested in being a host, email Liz at lpomplun@villagebankonline.com